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Wenchuan earthquake, is located in the middle of the Longmen Mountains Shifang City suffered a rare catastrophe.

Mountain houses, factories, schools, tourist attractions Dengjun been severely damaged. Red was beautiful and rich town, but also suffered a heavy blow, Red Street, no, no White Street, left in ruins.

The core protected area at the site - Sichuan Hongda Chemical Industry Company Ltd. THROUGH phosphate production base of the plant shop area, up to 30 meters phosphorus ammonia drying tower collapsed at the gate, becoming one of the iconic here; plant in the region of the types of offices, workshops and all kinds of facilities and equipment to be Earthquake damaged beyond recognition; living area and all of the buildings collapsed, and even some 6-storey building, leaving only 3 layers; people can still be seen on the balcony to dry clothes before the earthquake, the ruins of many students used the bags and ink bottle, some corner of the survivors who still remained when relatives pay homage to the victims lit candles and ash over ... ... it all seemed silent to the visitors about the tragic earthquake and brought great disaster to people in disaster areas.

Through the Eye Shop earthquake sites, chemical plants retained HTC original appearance by the tragic earthquake damage.

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Car: take the Chengdu-Mianyang Expressway in Guanghan North exit. Shifang directly on to the secondary road, without Shifang city, directly ahead through the town of Ying Wah, 4 km further to the mandrel on the earthquake site shop. Guo Ying Hua mountain road after the town, but the road is flat, the roads better.

Tour buses: Chengdu tourist center grid line to Chengdu - Guanghan - Shifang - Ying Hua - Mianzhu - Han Wang - Mianzhu - Deyang - Chengdu, the entire 290 km. 8 am starting 6pm back to Chengdu. Cost is 98 yuan / person, including round-tripTickets, meals, travel accident insurance, guide fees, earthquake site security and maintenance costs. Children under 1.1 meters of which is 15 yuan / person.

