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Before the liberation, many ancient temples Mengcheng County, in which larger than the Temple incense heyday of. "City God", according to "Zhou", one of the cloud water Laba God God worshiped by the more common after the Song Dynasty. According to the Ming Wanli 10 years (1582) "Mengcheng County" contains: Temple was built in Yuan positive years (1341--1368).

Park Road is located in the middle of this road, about 50 meters east of the Confucian Temple. The brick temple, before the open three, two things for the temple land, by Fu Temple. Center hall, dedicated to a gold surface of the City God like clay, about 4 meters high, very majestic; in front of another like a wood carving, Well dressed, sitting in the armchair, according to their knees can suddenly erect, life, people every year in the "patrol win would" take to the streets when carried by the faithful along the way Lu Ji.

February 3, 1947 nine o';clock in the morning, suddenly caught fire Temple Theater, Grand Opera Tower Kuixinglou Building and dozens of houses were burned, only the main hall and things Langfang survived. Now the county cultural heritage site.