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Linlong Mountain Natural Reserve is the o­nly mountain in Beijing formed by sandstone rock. The Great Wall at Jintanggu is rarely visited.
Beijing Yandu International Travel Service. Linlong mountain is located in the southeast of Changping, Linlong peak is the highest peak in the resort. 25 kilometers to Longtan Mountain, 90 kilometers to Dongzhimen, Beijing, it is a comprehensive vacation zone integrating natural scenery and scenery of humanities. Beijing belongs to semi humid continental monsoonal climate. Its four seasons are distinct. Winter is dry and cold while summer is hot and rainy. Lasting time of spring and autumn is short. Its annual temperature o­n average is 10-12 centigrade. The best travel months are from April to November.
Traffic: bus line 961
Address: Huanghua City, Huairou district, Beijing
Tickets: 15 yuan, students: 8 yuan