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Eliminating the port town of Kowloon Walled Jiangbei Hua';an river sand was built downstream of the hill head elimination River, called as "ancient village of Taoyuan mouth", also known as "full security building." Walk through the ancient village, greeted many of the leafy trees, lush, the ancient and mysterious ancient village surrounded by looming land, for the hamlet to add a bit of mystery. The overall style of the Southern Tang, Northern Song Dynasty military camp exactly the same for the later construction of the Kuok Daishan in the floor and Jiang Qi Yun Lou construction of the earth to set the second floor, hidden Corridor should provide a typical example of the first prototype can be described as earth buildings .
& Nbsp; Guzhai the magic of the first in its unique location and architectural style military camp, which is located in a Guixing hill, surrounded by mountains, facing a river, about 84 meters and a width of 46 meters, construction area of about 3800 square meters. Cottage above the main entrance that says "all security building", no back door inscription, the side that says "hundreds Valley Chaozong" words. Front door is the cobbled courtyard Corridor, commonly known as "Heaven Street", flanked by two rows of each house, the inside is the 20 symmetrical cottage, plus or minus 22 outside the two-story building, patchwork of architectural formLayout, then both sides of the external symmetry, and one each row, up and down the second floor of the 22 buildings around the ancient village, the whole building, "four rows of three tunnel house," called "to Lane." The soldiers Village building in the resist foreign invasion, the Village people can move around each other, fight with ease, in terms of security played a key role, described as "man guards the camp, Wan Fu Mo open."
The building of the ancient carved stone Qi Lin carved windows, the ancient stone mortars, smoke farm stove, was old and vicissitudes. The whole building is surrounded by dense forest of camphor trees, white load, pine trees, banyanWait a towering old trees surrounded by nearly a thousand lines, forming a channel unique windbreaks. 10 years, this led to thousand of egrets settled a long time in this habitat, but also to change after years of ancient village still stands in the rain, against a variety of natural disasters over the years. Today, the whole ancient village 216 rooms, home to about 80 or so households, 300 people.