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Zhangjiajie Weather

70F ~ 86F
Sunny To Cloudy
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   Husband and wife rock: in the mountains summit, like two tight nestled  head relief, facial features , one smile expression,  one calm expression, both like wrapped in a big coat, put thousands of affection to each other transmission. The "Husband and wife"  stand trillion years, the passage of time, wind and rain, unwavering loyalty.

   Wang Lang peak: the pinnacle looks like a peasant woman , is said to be viewed from different angles, "she " will show three deportment, innocent girl into a mature, middle-aged women, and then become a doddering old lady.

   Pipa Xi along the lush forests,  rugged, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is a wonderful landscape. The main attractions are a couple rocks, Nine Immortal Houses, Wang Lang peak , Chaotian guang.