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77F ~ 106F
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Located in Xuchang City Dongcheng District, Wei Wen Road and Bayi Road Interchange, an area of 50 acres, is relying on Dong Royal Tomb of the three historical sites and cultural themes into the three leisure garden.
The garden highlight the ecological, cultural, times, leisure, entertainment, fitness functions in one. Director of the main attractions are Royal Tomb, five animals park, Ruyi Lake, landscape water Square, Royal Pavilion, the public health plaza.

The main attractions are Dong Royal Tomb: Royal tomb is 10 meters, most of the original scale of Royal Tomb, failing to effectively protect and fell into disrepair, even gravediggers dug nearby residents, resulting in shrinking the size. IsRoyal Tomb at the base of a masonry brick, white marble for the fence around the tailor, played a very good protection. Fence around the walk around, you can see the board fence decorated with phoenix, crane, swallow, rocks, peony, mass graves were the ancient north-south beast evil spirits and good fortune, Tianlu guarding, surrounded by Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, basaltic four spiritual guardian, solemn, magnificent.
Wuqinxi park: five tall columns, respectively, have established an ape, tiger, crane, bear, deer, five animals, form realistic, lifelike. The surface of the carved pillars WuqinxiFitness moves. Many people in the leisure, would imitate the birds on the five pillars tricks to keep fit.
Ruyi Lake: Ruyi Lake, rugged rocks, clear lake, the lake at a narrow bridge to the lake ecosystem vinyl into two, was wishful shape, hence the name Ruyi Lake, meaning all wishes come true, the outcome wishful. Kosei a vinyl boat in the water and stones arranged in a line, the convenience of visitors walk through playing in the water.
Royal Pavilion: Baby gray roof, red columns ground, save a sharp eaves, cornices to pick the foot of the beautiful pavilion. According to legend, during the lifetime of elegant Dong, Xu Douhuang house near a pavilion, pavilion on the Zhao Zhao her view of the sunrise, sunset tours twilight curtain, it is also called "overnight Pavilion."
River Plaza: Plaza to the north, three in Langfang and Hua Tuo River Plaza Park Wuqinxi interval, and south to low levels or high water into the cliff. Here, fountains surging waves hit the snow layer, Galaxy slump, the waterfall a thousand feet, like pearls rolling, Admiralty upside down. High place, welcome stone stands with open arms, Xiaoying numerous visitors to treadCome.


Car lines: Entering Xuchang city, the walk Jian Road turn right, turn left Wei Wen Lu, and Wei Wen Road intersection to the Bayi that is.

Admission is free.