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Dingxiang County is located 22 kilometers northeast of the river village (originally five counties), was founded in the early 20th century, 20, completed 14 years of experience. Ride east to west throughout the buildings, the original nearly 30 yards, more than 800 houses.

Old home is divided into upper and lower houses, things around the garden. East Garden of the building with traditional Chinese palace architecture-based, door to the ancient arch-style, through the rockery on to the first chamber, where the ground is all pebbles and green-brick structure from the geometric patterns, Opposite the tall second floor. Across the aisle is the second hospital, the hospital';s main hall are three large room for the procedure of Yan';s family and meetings. Hospitals tall and magnificent palace-style building, ascends the building overlooking the village scene.
Yan Xishan antique building in the old home is a masterpiece of early Republic of China, great historical value.

Yen Hsi-shan, Dingxiang County river village, 1883 October 8 born of a landlord family. 9 years into thePrivate school, aged 21, went to study in Japan, 29-year-old military governor of Shanxi office. Chiang Kai-shek in 1931 was appointed Director of Taiyuan-Sui, long entrenched in Shanxi. Fled to Taiwan in 1949, died in Taiwan in 1960.


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