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Gao's Courtyard is traditional Chinese dwelling in the Muslim quarter that belonged to the founder of the successful Gao family, who produced many officials, officers and businessmen.  The courtyard buildings have exhibitions of period furniture, paintings, pottery, porcelain, photos and demonstrations of folk art, including a shadow puppet play with traditional music.

Gao compound is a brick courtyard folk, with a total living area of 2310 square meters, began to build during the Ming Dynasty Chongzhen to the Qing Dynasty, Qianlong period, the basic shape, complete with the Qianlong period, subject to the overall completion before Daoguangnianjian. Now, in terms of the compound from the view display to the Chinese and foreign tourists during the Ming and Qing architectural art, home, art, and traditional houses brick couplets, from the culture of Tibetan Buddhism Thangka art through the production, Shaanxi-style folk paper-cut, shadow puppetsDrama, puppet show and the Han and Tang Dynasty dance and other forms of culture and art were displayed.

Gao ancestors to the main business, and later into the old Zugao Yue Song Beijing Chao. Empress ordered the renovation of state funding, officials have Beiyuanmen into Alighting. It is obvious that a high official position. Great development of the compound in the Qianlong period, Gao was the third son of hi in the second place, was the Qianlong Royal Assent on second place and third. Family Man, military, commercial and taste. Consist in the decline of Qing Dynasty, until the compound has been nationalized since the Cultural Revolution.
