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   Xiancan Ancestral Temple, also Canhua Temple, is located in ancient Shengze Town in Suzhou City of Jiangsu Province, which is a national AA scenic spot and the key cultural relics under provincial protection, rebuilt and opened in 1999. It was initially built in Daoguang period, Qing dynasty by silk businessmen of Shengze and has a history of more than 170 years. Shengze is one of four silk cities of China.

   Xiancan Ancestral Temple is a classical architecture of ancestral temple style. The people's government of Shengze Town has invested 2 million Yuan to repair it so as to show its original magnificent appearance. From the ancient times, statues of the first ancestor Yandi Emperor, Huangdi Emperor and Canhua Goddess were worshipped in Canwang Temple. The pattern of interior yard is unique, small and exquisite. It is said that if people walk around Bacui Bridge, Longmen Cave and stone stairs for three circles, it will bring them good luck.

   This temple was built to commemorate Leizu, a legendary Chinese empress and wife of the Yellow Emperor who was the first discovered silk and invented the silk loom in the 27th century BC.

   According to the tradition, Leizu discovered silkworms while on a walk investigating damage to the emperor's mulberry trees. She used her finger to touch a piece of the silk worm causing a strand of silk come out. As the silk continued to come out she wrapped it around her finger. When the silk ran out she saw a small cocoon and realized that this cocoon was the source of the silk.

   She persuaded her husband to give her a grove of mulberry trees, where she could domesticate the worms that made these cocoons. She is attributed with inventing the silk reel, which joins fine filaments into a thread strong enough for weaving. She is also credited with inventing the first silk loom. Leizu shared her discoveries with others and the knowledge became widespread in China. Nowadays, some people come to the temple to pray for a harvest of cocoons, and many others are attracted by Chinese traditional myth and it magnificent appearance.