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This building small houses, the original of all French people in the Chinese business, is one end of the third floor of a building, the door will be able to see the vines flower, looks quiet and pleasant. Center the verdant lawn, planted with a large Tasong leafy, where Chou En-lai received the U.S. Presidential Envoy General Marshall, with the KMT government representatives Shao Lizi, Wu Tiecheng and third representative to the Junru, Huang Yan and other exchange of views, but also held news conference. July 17, 1946, Zhou Enlai at the news conference held here, to be more than 100 people to a small room packed with reporters not many lateDebu in the doors and windows, the balcony stood listening.

Soon, according to the CPC Central Committee instructed the CPC delegation to withdraw Yan';an, in the evacuation, Zhou residence to pay the "democratic alliance" to take custody. After the illegal housing by the Kuomintang government took over Shanghai, all of the loss of furnishings. After the founding of new China, the site located in the Memorial Hall, Zhou Enlai and Dong Biwu bedroom and other parts of room to restore the original display, but also introduced the provision of showrooms that year history. As the municipal units in 1959. Now, the former site of the Chinese Communist Party delegation of the Shanghai office are copies of the furnishings.

Address: Sinan Road, Luwan District73

Phone :021 -64,730,420

Sinan on Shanghai in the quiet along the east side of the road No. 73 (the original Masi Road 107), is a small Western-style building, the three garden villas, this is the year the Chinese Communist Party delegation of the Shanghai office, is also Zhou said the mansion. Since that year the party';s Shanghai office, why is it called weekly mansion? Which some twists and turns. 1946, rented this building houses the CPC delegation, intended as the CPC office. But the KMT authorities do not agree. June 18, from Nanjing to Shanghai wu decisively, said: "not to setOffice to say ';week residence';. "Zhou Residence hence the name.


Bus 17,24,36,41,42,96,104,128,146,575,780,781,786,835,864,869,933,911,920,932,945, tunnel eight lines, bridges and other front-line available.


Admission is free.

Hours 9:00 am-11 :00,13:00-16: 30, Monday, four closed.