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66F ~ 75F
Light Rain
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1. The longest arch bridge in the world. Its 550-meter-long arch span is 32 meters longer than that of the New River Gorge Bridge in the US state of West Virginia.

2. The first ever box-arch bridge in the world. The section area of the main arch also sets a record : 9 meters high, 5 meters wide.

3. The first major arch bridge to be connected exclusively by welding (except for the single pair of middle sections which are joined by rivets). The length of on-site welding totals more than 40,000 meters-comparable to the total length of the inner-city elevated freeway of Shanghai.

4. The heaviest lifting weight of single component (860 tons), plus the heaviest lifting weight over the arch rib in a river (480 tons).

5. The most complicated and multiple technology used in the construction of the main bridge, combining three distinctive methods of bridge-building technology: cable-stay, arch and suspension.

6. The volumn of steel used in an arch bridge: more than 35,000 tons. It equals the steel used in building three 70,000-ton vessels.

7. The volumn of steel used for the building process: more than 11,000 tons in the construction of a single arch bridge.

8. The 16 horizontal staying cables used in the bridge-building are the longest (760 meters), thickest (18cm in diameter), heaviest (110-ton each) and with the greatest tension-pull tonnage (over 1700 tons) in the world.

9. The greatest thickness of on-site steel plates welding (100mm) in the construction of a steel bridge in the world.

10. The greatest number of heavy mechanical equipments and large-scale construction installation used in the building of a single bridge.

In order to complete the climb, you need to be healthy and capable to climb unaided, because the experience includes climbing 367 steps at high altitude and exposing under the weather. All cardiopulmonary diseases (including hypertension), dizziness, and equilibrium disorder may affect your climbing safety.

You will not be permitted to take part in the climb if: your movements are impaired; just drank alcoholic beverage or being drunk; underwent surgical operation; or showing above-mentioned symptoms.

Personal items: Hand-carried bags and other stuff are not allowed on the bridge. Climbers will be asked to remove them and leave them at the depost, They also must pass through a metal-detector.

Please note that in case of unexpected circumstances (poor weather or force majeure), SYITA reserves the right to deny you of the climb, or postpone your climbing date or time even though you had made reservation in advance. For inquiry regarding the availability of the ticket for a specific day, feel free to contact our ticket hotline.

Sightseers must abide by all related regulations, whose final explanation rests with SYITA Bridge Tour department.

Hot Line;800-620-0888
Address:No.909 LuBan Road(PuXi Square)
Opening Time:08;30am--17;30pm
Entrance:full rate--RMB 80 yuan/ person