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The Chenxiang Pavilion includes heavenly king palace, hall of Sakyamuni, pavilion of Avalokitesvara, hall of Jialan and Yingci Master commemoration hall. There is a four-pole double roofed archway constructed in front of the chenxiang pavilion with a calligraphy written by Shamenghai. The Chenxiang Pavilion is famous for its Avalokitesvara. The original statue was destroyed. The present statue of Avalokitesvara, which is made of agalloch eaglewood, was donated by disciples from Hong Kong.

Location: 29 Chenxiang Pavilion Road, Huangpu District

Transportation: Bus Routes: bus 932 terminal, bus569 terminal, bus 801, 920, 926, 930, 66, 929

Open Hours: 5:00am-17:00pm

Admission Fee: RMB 5

This is a distinctive Buddhist Nunnery.
Best Time for Visit: all year around