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Qingdao Weather

72F ~ 84F
SW at 20km/h
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And all the way across Huiquan Plaza Qingdao is the biggest comprehensive park - Zhongshan Park. Park is surrounded by mountains, south to the sea, creating a natural landscape, this place is good land. Park lush trees, foliage luxuriantly, Qingdao is the most distinctive urban vegetation in the scenic landscape. Park East near Victoria Peak, south of Qingdao Shan Botanical Garden, nearly a hundred species of trees and flowers with four seasons park as a whole, the vast sea of trees, lush.

View of cherry Qingdao in April annually in early to mid-May, Zhongshan Park. Early in the 20th century, 30 years activities of Zhongshan Park, already famous cherry blossoms, "flowers of the East China Sea" was listed as QingdaoCity, one of ten. Now every spring, cherry road on both sides of the park while thousands of cherry trees in full bloom, flowers, Canruo clouds. Sakura Park single, double cherry, mountain cherry, more than 10 varieties of cherry and peach, peonies, azaleas and other blooming flowers are also competing to attract a large number of tourists come to enjoy the flowers, up to a million of the public.

Park';s annual summer carnivals and late autumn Juzhan, and the most popular activities visitors. Midsummer Night each year, park lights lit, from Chengdu, Zigong, Nanjing and other places of various types of official lamp, Shadeng, ship lamps and lanterns Zhengfangdouyan traditional parks, colorful, attracted numerous fans, such as lightCrazy, if drunk. Jin Qiuju development began as early as 50 years, annual exhibition has over 700 varieties, purple handsome flag, bearing the black ink, and the mandarin duck wings, horses are forced to wind people like the chrysanthemum and other treasures.


City can take 6,15,26,302,304,316 bus, get off at Zhongshan Park Station.

Tickets Admission is free.

Hours :7:00-18: 00.