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70F ~ 79F
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Wulaofeng, there is a well known in the ancient monastery, this is the jungle, one of the top five ranked Shannan sea will Lushan Temple.

Bridge is located in the village temple. Dry Ning Tang Dynasty (AD 894) of creation, the beginning of Guo Valley Hospital, due to a spring of Longquan Temple, Tang Zhaozong change the amount of Longquan Temple. Gold Dading twenty years (1187) monks Zongyou rebuilt, renamed this name. Back on Fan Mountain, facing Okawa, permitted, by the Church include more than sixty rooms. Temple has glass towers confrontation. A built in the late Tang, Song rebuilt, star anise ten, 20 meters high, each Piyou arch, three rows of inlaid wall full of neat little Buddha, sophisticated technology, madeType of simplicity. Jiajing four decades of a Ming (1561), ten octagonal eaves, thirteen, 50 meters high, the bottom square, Zhouza home bar wall, the upper open the door, eaves brackets support, the eight statues and glass inlaid pattern set patterns, the tenth floor leveling seat railing Yan Zhu, constitute beautiful pavilion. There may be spiral staircase tower, the tower is decorated with blue, green glass, vibrant colors.

Ferris Wulaofeng vision here is the best view, looking up from the Temple Wulaofeng, "Chang Yen rocks, such as the Golden Lotus on chu sky", can enjoy the taste of the Poetry mood. All visitors to the Lushan Museum, all blood collection for the museum by the "Flower Adornment Sutra, "" five hundred Lohan map "collection of rubbings and other dumping, these treasures are from the ancient Temple of the sea will be the hands of monks.