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Luoyang Weather

68F ~ 95F
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Thirteen ancient city of Luoyang is located 13 kilometers south of Hong Shanxi Au, and the world cultural heritage - Xishan Longmen Grottoes Cave area and Japan, across the river, and the Longmen Grottoes and White Park, Dongshan District, Cave intricately linked, stand side by side neighborhood.

Hong Ge Xiangshan named because it is abundant. Xiangshan Temple was built in Northern Wei Xiping micro first year (AD 516), Tang Japan six years (832 AD), six or seven million donors in Henan Bai Guan Yin, Xiangshan Temple rebuilt, and essays"Repair the Xiangshan Temple in" Temple were boosted, Luoyang municipal government and the Longmen Grottoes Authority investment of 600 million in the first half of 2003 completed the transformation of the Xiangshan Temple. The renovation project from the end of 2002 to be completed in early April 2003, which lasted 100 days, creating the most speed of the temple.


Ticket prices: Longmen Grottoes, White Park (Bai tomb), the implementation of the Xiangshan Temple three spotsOne vote system, the fare 120.
Opening hours: Spring, Summer, Fall: 7:00 am - 6:30 pm Winter: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm.