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Foshan is located in southwest million Shucheng, from the Hefei 140 km away from Lake 60 km Shucheng Ten Thousand Buddhas, with a total area of 50 square kilometers. 95% forest coverage, the negative oxygen ion, is a national tourist areas, national forest parks, national geological parks and national nature reserves.

Foshan million for the main peak of the old big Foxi Nan Foding disk blocks like Maitreya, imposing, surround and protect the surrounding peaks, the formation of the Buddhas Baizu the landscape, there are Buddha Temple, a stone plaque called "The Mountain of Ten Thousand Buddhas", which was Foshan million name; there because Foshan million in a cliff above the natural "Foshan million," the words of the wonders that were derived from Hill.

Old Foding peak elevation 1,539 meters, the Shu (City), Tong (City), latent (Hill) the ancestor of the mountains south and Tianzhu Mountain (1485 meters) away from the phase confrontation. Area with high mountains, peak risk, Song Qi, strange stone, waterfalls and more secluded cave, deep forest, the Buddha really known to the world. Mainly by the old Foding, dragon waterfall, cool streams and other scenic composition.

Camel Rock God: mountain peaks, the peaks King show, rugged rock formations is one of the characteristics Foshan million. There are scenic old Foding the days of Solomon peak, peerless peak, God hump, beautiful peaks, Dan peak, four sharp, three-day summit thirty-six size doors, and God camel stone, Butch Stone, Parrots stone, stone lions, stone knife blade, pig stone, both God-shaped, vivid, lifelike, no wonder Mother Nature let visitors.

The first waterfall Kowloon: Silk pools, waterfalls, is another feature of Foshan million. "The mountains and live water, water for a more secluded mountain." Foshan million lower part of the mountain was off cliffs, water point, often has a huge waterfall pouring down. There are dozens of scenic waterfalls, the famous waterfall with lotus seeds, Tianhe waterfall, waterfall, fragrant fruit trees, two fold the waterfall, Shan waterfall, Happy waterfall, V word waterfall, Xu Daping waterfall, with its gap were about 60 meters, flying stream, the magnificent, mist transpiration. ,

Poke Fir: dense forests, exotic pine, vegetation range is another feature of Foshan million, because in the northern subtropical, excellent ecological environment bred a wealth of animal and plant resources, 147 families, 658 genera, 1368 species of vascular plants , which are distributed in Hong fruit trees, 25 species such as silver thread Mei national protected plants, in addition to habitat for musk deer, leopard, giant salamander, more than ten kinds of national protected animals, flora and fauna constitute a natural park.

Poke charm: Foshan million heavy historical and cultural implication, according to legend Tianzhu Feng Chan Han, north old Foding, its moving, want to personallyLing drive, then the end result of road dangers, and Wang Feng disappointed! Meanwhile here is a strategic struggle between the military strategists, the Three Kingdoms, Lu Xun and Cao Xiu had in this war: the king of Silla to sub-Jin Qiaojue Jiuhuashan before been in this practice, due to the mountain is too steep, it will change to Jiuhuashan, are still left, "Joe felt hole"; known as the Northern Song Dynasty painter Gonglin largest in later years to paint this painting, the mountain has left the public-lin kiosks, public art sets Lin, Huang Shangu sit at the millet mouth, such as monuments and beautiful legends.

Long history and constitute the remains of the revolutionary struggle Foshan million rich cultural landscape. In addition to the Buddha scenic rest left JiuhuaThe "Joe felt hole", located in the top of the old Buddha "Buddha Temple", as well as the Red Army hospital at Hatta forest sites, and the heroic sacrifice in the War of Resistance the peace Tianlie Shi Nine Martyrs Cemetery and so on. Epic story of the revolutionary struggle and mysterious religious culture, myths and legends trickle blurred, adding to the million Foshan travel rich content.

Foshan million is also an ideal summer resort resort, mountain outside the scorching sun, mountains, nice and cool, the temperature difference less than five degrees Celsius, Pictorial million hectares of forest is a natural oxygen bar, exposure to which fitness can enjoy the magical forest bath effect, black bamboo Museum, Ten Thousand Buddha Mountain Villa, can provideIdeal for food, housing, shopping and entertainment conditions.

Foshan million Tour Map