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Lushan Mountain scenic area is located south of Arcadia 105 West Valley Road, east of Kang. Also known as Chu Kang Gu Gu, the common name Lushan ridge. Warring States Period (223 BC) Qinmie Chu, the Qin WANG Jian Chu Dushou spring break (Shou County, Anhui), captured negative Chu Chu last king, was married a southern escape Chu Wangzi carry, into the post-hidden Lushan valley ridge survived the catastrophe, change for the Hong surname Xiong, followed Chu, descendants of the posthumous title of Kang, Gu name so derived.

Kang Lushan Mountain Valley, the largest canyon, 12 km long, stretching from Lushan Mountain to the northeast in the abdomen, to the Hanyang Peak, dried grain, under the stone. Valley of a water flow, also called LuJiang. Encircle sides of Castle Peak, the fog around the cloud cover, Taolin brook, bridges, rural terraced rice paddies, the cottage is like. Tao Li in the former residence here from very close to the East for the Tao Temple Zen Master Hui Yuan Chang, see the land of the past, in fact, "Peach Blossom Spring," the art of the prototype.

Utopia is the recent development of new rehabilitation area, an area of about 20 square kilometers, the landscape setting highlight the "Peach Blossom Spring" mood, a return to basics. There are mountain brook Yue Xuan, Hui Ma Shi, Wenjin Pavilion, Yuen Tung, concentric Lake, En Tao Temple, wild valley, Chu City, Kang concept, Waterfall Road, Yang Zhi hundred kiosks landscape, but also opening up the skin Entertainment cutting drift in sex tourismMusic. April-May 2000, the first spring in the new century the world of international tea party held here.

Eastbound from Spring Valley Curtain Hanyang can climb the peak. Lushan Hanyang peak peak, 1474 meters above sea level, the sky, such as the potential canopy, next to the legend of Emperor, Qin Shi Huang, Qian had boarded the peak. Stand Hanyang peak, like proximity to fearless, Poyang Lake Lushan Mountain Peaks and the vision of the Yangtze River can be seen.