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Jiangxi Copper Ridge Mining site in Ruichang City, Town, Summer Fan Copper Village area.

Copper Ridge is the second site Tonglushan Daye Mining is another major discovery after the site was named the 1991 top ten archaeological discoveries in China. It is extremely rich in scientific information to demonstrate the history of copper mining in China three thousand years ago, it is ever found in China';s mining and metallurgical sites in the earliest preserved, content-rich site of a large-scale mining and metallurgy, which not only solved China';s highly developed bronze casting raw materials problems, and for the study of history and civilization of China Metallurgical has important significance.

The site discovered in the spring of 1998, the site sub-mining areas, smelting area in two parts, of which about 1 square kilometer mining area, smelting area about 2 square kilometers.

The remains of buried ruins, relics are very rich. Mining shaft 107 revealed the region, tunnel 20, the Surface Mining Pit 7, shed 5, a mineral processing field. Unearthed stone, wood, bamboo, copper, pottery, porcelain production tools and production equipment of approximately 300 pieces. There are stone axes, wooden shovel, wooden shovel, wooden scoop, wooden mallet, wooden pulley, wooden bucket, wooden barrel, wooden poles, wooden hoe, wood axes, bamboo basket, bamboo tray, bamboo baskets, bamboo, copper axes, copper adze, copperChisel, Tao Ge, Tao Ding, Tao beans, jars, pottery spinning wheels, original porcelain cup, green bowl and so on.

Block 2 revealed furnace smelting area, reservoir wells 18. Unearthed a large number of copper smelting slag and pottery utensils silk life, there are Ge, Ding, beans, cans, cups and so on. Pottery from the analysis, the times for the Eastern Zhou period.

Copper Ridge site is currently found in China and the world';s earliest mining of copper smelting at a site.