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Fuzhou Weather

79F ~ 88F
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It is the first lane of the three lanes, which originally named as Tongchao Lane. As yijin in Chinese is usually used to describe people getting fame or money, the lane was renamed as Yinjin later because of many high-ranking officials were generated in the lane. No.1-4 of the lane is the former residence for Zheng Xiaoxu, a stateman in late Qing Dynasty; No.16 is the former residence of Zheng Pengcheng, a Jinshi (scholar who is a successful candidate in the highest imperial exams) in Qing Dynasty. The most characteristic of this lane is a waterside pavilion, which is a timber-structure monolayer terrace supported simply by four pillars; built on the pond with a courtyard, it is of great aesthetic value and perfect acoustics effects for enjoying operas and performances in the pavilion.