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East Anhui Province is the only comprehensive museum. Tianchang Shiliang Road is located in an area of 12 mu, building area of 4,500 square meters, the main building for the next three-four antique-style dark building. 51 staff of the museum. Tianchang the collection of the rich, the existing collection of more than 5,000 pieces of cultural relics. Display and exhibition display the basic points and the temporary exhibition in two parts.

Basic display

Luo Binghui general life story exhibition, the exhibition features some of the more than two pieces of pictures and objects, wind and thunder generals exhibited Luo Binghui stirring, magnificent life.

Basic display "Everlasting tomb relics fine ", the exhibition will display artifacts excavated from the triangle part of the group Han Wei antiques, Han Gang seventies group of well-being unearthed in the north part of antiques and capital construction projects in recent years in rescue excavated part of the clean-up antiques. The texture of the exhibition at the different artifacts can be divided into continued Hall, Jade Hall, the Office of iron wood and pottery, copper, lacquer room.

Jade Hall, on display courtesy of jade jade, jade and jewelry jade burial of three parts, one of the ring long pondering moist texture fine to be Bai Yulong, particularly hollow engraved craftsmen applied enhance the way the whole three-dimensional objects soObjects have a more beautiful whole, called a rare treasure.

Tianchang lacquered device is a major museum collections, the current collection of lacquered devices to more than 400 pieces, a considerable part of the well preserved, of which four crescent-shaped lacquer box painted silver clasp, tracing Jinqi Zi Lian moire boxes painted, painted silver buckle attached Jin Qizai Cosmetic Box, painted lacquer case, inscriptions, etc., have the ear cups and elegant, simple, splendid, stately character. Yu Wei has been a "Mawangdui."