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Liu Shaoqi was a revolutionary, statesman, and theorist. He was once chairman of the People's Republic of China from April, 1959 to October, 1968, during which he led economic construction and policy initiatives of the country. He was purged during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) and died under suspicious circumstances and harsh treatment in late 1969, but his reputation was posthumously rehabilitated in 1980 by most of Chinese government and Chinese People.

Situated in Huaminglou town, Ningxiang County, Changsha, Liu Shaoqi Memorial Hall is the only biographical memorial hall in China that systematically introduces Liu Shaoqi's life and great deeds. As a key historical monument under state-level protection, Liu Shaoqi Memorial Hall mainly includes his former residence and bronze statue.

The Former Residence of Liu Shaoqi has 20 rooms of various sizes with more than 30 thatched cottages and tile-roofed houses restored according to the original design. Over 190 exhibits are on display; the typical features of a farmer's house at the end of the 19th century and some scenes of Liu Shaoqi's life are represented in the old residence.

The Memorial Hall, located some 300 meters from the residence, was constructed in November, 1988. Rich historical documents and materials and photos are stored in the Memorial Hall..

In the square in front of the hall, a bronze full-length statue of Liu Shaoqi has been erected with a height of 7.1 meters. Completed on November 24th, 1988, the bronze statue was carefully sculptured by the famous sculptors Liu Kaiqu and Cheng Yunxian. In 1998, former general secretary of the CPC and  former Chinese President Jiang Zeming inscribed for the bronze statue. Liu Shaoqi Memorial Hall has gained the honor of the "First Batch National Patriotic Education Bases" and one of "10 Chinese Classics Red Scenic Spots", etc.

Transport: Long-distance buses go regularly from Changsha West Bus Station to Huaminglou town every day
Tel:  (86)731-87094027
Admission (for reference): RMB 50 yuan/adult