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This is a newly developed scenic spot to the west of Beijing and is often compared to Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan Province.
Shuanglongxia's main attractions are its waterfalls and plantations. There are two big waterfalls, with the waters plunging down 29 metres, and numerous smaller ones. Winding paths lead into a lush forest whose thick canopy reminds one of rainforests. The well-kept villages nearby are also worth a visit. There is even a small train that runs through the forest.
Besides opportunities for boating and fishing, a special harvest at the end of June makes possible the picking of ripe apricots in nearby Huocun Village.
Getting there: Take bus 929 subsidiary route 200 metres west of the Pingguoyuan Subway Station and get off at Huocun, where you can take the free bus or walk 2 kilometres. By car, drive along the Fushi Highway from Shijingshan or Mentougou to Sanjiadian and continue driving along 109 Highway to the exit to Huocun village, approximately 90 kilometres from Tiananmen Square.