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Zhuhai Weather

73F ~ 84F
Sunny To Cloudy
N at 30km/h
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Shijing (rock-view in Chinese) Mountain Park is famous for its rocky landscape and sits in the centre of the city. The highest peak on the mountain is formed of a giant rock, shaped like the horn, nose and mouth of a rhinoceros looking to the sky, which once earned the mountain the name "the mountain of Xiniuwangyue'' (the rhinoceros looking up at the Moon)". The mountain range that falls away behind the eponymous rhino is a rocky menagerie featuring a hawk, a panda, a tiger, cattle, and a lion.

The summit of Shinjing Mountain has unrivalled views of the city of Zhuhai, the churning water and the green islands dotted over it. A good way for visitors to view the scenery is to take the Shijing Mountain Ropeway which starts at the foot of the mountain.


2,3,4,13,20,23,43,69 Road Public bus to the (Waterfront Park below).


Tram fare: 50 yuan sightseeing cable car up and down the whole (30 per child), 25 per way (Child 20); sightseeing cable car, the charge car (slide) under 50 (children 30 million); only under a car by 20 per charge (Child 20).