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Xinyang Weather

70F ~ 82F
Cloudy To Light Rain
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Yan Shan County in the letter of the sun Township, south of Big Su Shan, a small mountain north of the Soviet Union, also known as "Chici Brahma Temple", which was China';s first Buddhist sects - the birthplace of Tiantai, often for their roots at home and abroad monk visit ancestors.
Temple at the "Su" retaining ring being, known as "Kowloon holding St., owned by four water pool" of the Church, twelve wonderful quiet landscape. Monk Hui Si, intellectual covet Name crown Zen, known as the Second St.. Su, Chen season often, Huang salt will be here, for the three-Yin Chung. Emperor Song Title "Chici Brahma Temple" stone plaque, the head is still embedded in the door. Historical figures, scholars visit the Home Temple inscription of net inscriptions Poetry 30 blocks, which is particularly valuable is the "Song Su Shi Poetry Tour Temple and the net ranking Syrian" monument.