Attration Category

Angla Thousand house formerly lived in Thousand Jianzha area Angla the house. According to historical records, Angla one thousand red hot bar is Tufan dynasty, the descendants of Caine, in order to secure the border and taxation, 492 AD, red hot bar of Tufan dynasty Jian minister (translation of tax collectors) Gong Ye Xi Dajie to the region living life, as both sides of the headman Jianzha. Qing Emperor Qianlong in 1657 AD, between one of his descendants labeled Angla Thousand Zuduo Jie. Thousand items Him for the seventh generation.

The courtyard is the key to the throne after the new modest. It has been 51 years of history. Many old house is relatively intact in one of Tibetan courtyard. House Style, its waterfront hillside mansion, built by the situation and to the binary-type two-story wooden structure building richly ornamented Courtyard mainly ride west to east. Four wide into the hospital the first seven are all deep into the top two of the small two-story wooden structure, the second layer into the hospital for the top of the front brick main building, five wide, into the deep three, four Jianping wood structure roof wing, a small positive angle of homes on each side, for the temple. For the brick wooden door carved with a gatehouse. Brick screen wall in front of more than 230 houses. The whole idea of sophisticated, meticulous workmanship.

"> Transportation

Angla Thousand town house located in the tip Baang Angla JIANZHA County village about 60 km colleagues to Jianzha, train 1.5 hours, the fare is about 20 yuan.