Attration Category

China Office, formerly known as Hua Ting. Is a compact two-story building, eaves construction, Meng carved cornices, glass roof, surrounded by red railing around the corridor, surrounded by French window, round hole doors, beams, doors and windows painted with colorful floral patterns.

Office of the former is a small yard, front yard with a short and doing jigsaw puzzle at the wall. Wall is a vast bamboo forest, impressive. Species of laurel around the times, when the autumn of season, cinnamon fragrance, The Story of Qiu Turui, flavor bursts.

Chamber have tea, with bookstall and photo gallery. Visitors either up or down, more at ease in this tea, yellow tips to enjoy the fragrance of Mok KongAlcohol taste.

In 1986, the bamboo museum location here, China Office into a bamboo museum nature science base. The museum through the text, graphics and physical specimens, introduced bamboo species, distribution and cultivation techniques; display bamboo, bamboo, reed and bamboo curtain turned painting and other craft fine of more than 300 species of bamboo reveals the relationship between human life and creativity of folk artists originality.