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Catholic Church in the Lancang River Heights in the Heights in the Catholic Church, from the town of Deqing County, about 80 km of peace and prosperity, and Buddhism co-exist in the Diqing plateau, also has a devout Christian, every Saturday and Sunday, the village near the Heights in the Lisu, Tibetan , Han, Naxi';s followers, went to the church, chanting in Tibetan, so mass.

Catholic Church buildings in the Heights is located in the wooded hillside at the back line of Castle Peak, in front of farmhouses dotted the landscape architecture group and the natural blend, unique. The wholeBuilding to support the church as the center combination of Chinese and Western, appropriate primary and secondary, including doors, front yard, church, backyard, and to the kiln, gardens, vegetable gardens and vineyards, and so compact, the scale of spectacular.

Heights in the Catholic Church was built French missionaries in 1909 years, still retain the original appearance, fragrance still vineyard church, the church building full of exotic, but significant fusion of Tibetan, Han and other Chinese ethnic art of architecture characteristics, although it is located between the remote mountain valleys, it is cultural exchange between East and West have witnessed history. Transportation

In the past, thanks to Mainz Liusuo with Jiangdong traffic has built a suspension bridge cable troops, traveling along the river downstream from the town of peace and prosperity, to get off near the village of Nan Luka cubic meters, the bridge can be reached. Where the villagers who know Chinese.