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Mustard Seed Garden, covering 10.5 acres, built pavilions, fish ponds built a bridge, planting flowers and trees are rare. This park is small, but well-designed, cleverly arranged, so small in the big, quiet music in See, See Ya Cuba, do not have hills and gullies. Recreation In the meantime, made a lengthy Guth, pregnant yo ancients, who encourage self-energy motivational and inspiring. Currently, the Mustard Seed Garden is stepping up construction of the second phase.

Li Yu (1610-1680) the word Li Weng, Lanxi people. Early famous drama theorist, dramatist and novelist. Drama is his master of Wu Mei modern music as the "First Dynasty", he created NOVELSFor respect, and Feng Meng, Ling Meng keep pace early.

Mustard Seed Garden, located in the urban river foothills of western New Lan Yin, Department of antique garden building, before his death in Jiangning Xiao Xi Yong Li Yu Hou Taiwan to create the garden next to the name, built to commemorate Li Yu.