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Tianhe Lake Scenic Area is located in the southwest suburbs of Guiyang City, 23 kilometers, 13 kilometers from the Huaxi, both within the scenic area of the male Huangguoshu Waterfall, Dragon Palace of the singular and the Huaxi of the show, set of waterfalls, springs, pools, rocks, holes and strange natural stone bridge in one. Is a typical karst landscape dominated by the cave, the cave is very strong artificial flavor.

Tips: 1, Tianhe Lake area, and dry holes within the sub-tunnel, generally the first boat trip, 10 people / ships, 10 yuan / person, after the tour through the Galaxy Palace dry hole.

2, cave tours must be careful to follow a large group of visitors, easy to get lost in the splash of waterAlso in order to stay dry waterfall is not easy, is not recommended to wear even if the cause embarrassing wet clothing, the beauty of the girl have to careful not to become a painted face.

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And the Huaxi Park, Tianhe Lake scenic area with in Huaxi.

Tianhe Lake area, and dry holes within the sub-tunnel, the first boat trip on the water inside the general spectacle of 10 people per boat, 21 meters deep inside the dark river. Inside there are stalactites, stalagmites, stone pillars and other karst landscape.

In the Tianhe Lake, you do not have a lot of good choices, which the hotel much, but food is delicious.


211 in Riverside Park across the road by bus or shuttle bus, alongGuiyang - Huaxi scenic highway can reach every half hour. Also, take the ropeway from the Milky Way to the town of Lake Village, and back to the ship to be Huaxi. Into the Tianhe Lake, you can take horse-drawn cart or a sheep to pull carts, very interesting.


Tickets: 1 ticket: 50 yuan (high season), 40 (low season); includes hole location, and flood and drought, and all attractions.

2, location Admission: 10 yuan (high season), 8 million (low season); only location.

3Drought hole Tickets: 43 yuan (high season), 35 (low season); include flood and drought, and nine holes Bay.

4, the battery ticket: 5 yuan (one way); scenic internal transport.

5, Liusuo: 20 million, including tickets and Liusuo votes bridge, suspension bridge 2 million votes, Liusuo votes 18.