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Dalian Weather

75F ~ 82F
Heavy Rain To Light Rain
SE at 40km/h
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    Approximately 40km north of Dalian is the Bingyu Valley. This 110sqkm valley is often compared to Guilin in southern China for its cloud-obscured, towering peaks, its crystalline rivers, and its caves. This ancient forest preserve has many places of interest including Skylark Peak, Xiaoyu Valley, the Yingna River, and the Longhua (Dragon Splendor) and Huaguo (Orchard) Mountains.

    With rugged cliffs, and clear rivers winding through virgin forests, this ecological wonderland sees visitors all year round. Winter travelers can enjoy a spot of ice-skating and other winter sports, while those arriving in the springtime will blankets of renewed life. However, locals say the most alluring season is autumn, when the resplendent mountains are bathed in crimson red.

Getting there: From Dalian Train Station, take the bus to Binyugou. Buses depart at regular 40-minute intervals from 6:20 am to 4:30 pm.