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Chongqing Weather

75F ~ 86F
Overcast To Light Rain
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It is unable to verify the founding time of Songgai ancient town. The remains of old architectures, beautiful sceneries, rich humanistic sites and unique dock culture leave a very deep impression on the people who have visited Songgai. Songgai Town has seven famous scenic spots: architecture built in Ming and Qing dynasty; ancestral halls and temples; winding broad stone streets which as long as 5 kilometers; Fuzi Tomb; ancient county office or old officer's temple; Chengong weir which is a hydraulic engineering built in Ming Dynasty; Wenzhong dam of Yangtze river.

People who have got used to living in noisy city can instantly feel "Three Cs" of Songgai: clear environment, clean broad street, cool breezes from river. Songgai Town has seven famous scenic spots: architecture built in Ming and Qing dynasty; ancestral halls and temples; winding broad stone streets which as long as 5 kilometers; Fuzi Tomb; ancient county office or old officer's temple; Chengong weir which is a hydraulic engineering built in Ming Dynasty; Wenzhong dam of Yangtze river.