Attration Category

It is located in the Qianxiang Village which is in Bailong Lane, Xieqiao Town, Changshu. In 1987, when the local farmers recultiveated the land, they found stone, zax and other stone implement and broken pottery. That is came into notice of the local heritage sector In 1983, after survey and sondage, they found that are Heart of Noeolithic Orkney. In 1988, they tried to explore the site,they found unearthed stone, chinaware, jade article, broneze ware and so on, a total of 200. At the same time, they found a batch of cultural relics. The cultural relics experts said, this site has over 5500 years history, and it has large area of  about 70,000 square meters, rich cultural site, and extended time characteristics. It was  belongs to the culture type polyploidy jersey.