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1. The palace gates
    Is located in Changping District, Central. Mountains, northeast neighbor, South Village, southwest to Stream Village. Village named to the door.There are 5 large palace gates, There are 5 rooms each to the south, in front of the large platform, east, west toward the room ; behind the room, there are  another 27 houses in colt type corner toward the housing; East House for the case, the Cabinet, the Ministry of Rites, officials Department, Ministry of War, Censorate of Disaster, the Imperial Academy, Zhan Shi House, Imperial College, luan Wei East four flag value of housing; the West for the Ministry, the Board of Punishments, Industry, Astronomical, Imperial Household, the light Paul Temple, through the Department of Justice, the supreme court, taken care of Temple, Chang Temple, Taipu Si, Yu Shu Department, on the Si homes, Wubei the hospital, West four flag value room.
2. Fair and square temple
    Fair and square temple is located within the Old Summer Palace is the palace gates, Yuanmingyuan 40 King of the first, the aboveboard scenic spots including the fair and square temple and the palace gates District, was built in the Yongzheng 2003 (1725). Fair and square hall is the main hall of the Yuanmingyuan, the birthday party for the emperor was held here for each year.
3. Diligent pro-Yin temple
    Diligent pro-Yin temple, located west of a courtyard in front of the palace gates and decorated second door, decorated second gate is a large courtyard, diligent and pro-Yin temple, living in the north of this courtyard. The "Qinzheng a Miankuo four main hall, which is particularly wide.