Beijing Weather

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External traffic
    Shunyi District of Beijing Capital International Airport is located in the urban Northeast, about 30 km away from the city, Beijing Capital International Airport on the 1st, the 2nd terminal in use (passenger boarding Please note that the difference between both terminals of the ticket) Beijing as China's international and domestic aviation hub has been further strengthened.
    Airport Shuttle to and from the Xidan Civil Aviation Building, the Museum of Fine Arts, Beijing Railway Station port, Gongzhufen, the fare of 16 yuan. If you drive, the airport highway toll attendant species varies, a taxi costs 10 yuan. Railway
    Beijing is the hub of the national railway, Beijing standing on the urban southeast Jianguomen Avenue south, take the subway or bus can be to the Beijing Railway Station, railway lines, the Beijing-Shanghai line, Beijing-Harbin line, Beijing-Qinhuangdao line ; Beijing West stood in the Lotus Pond Road, the main Beijing-Guangzhou line, Longhai Railway, Beijing-Kowloon line; South Station are some slow; North Station, Xizhimen train station, picnic car and go to Inner Mongolia, Hebei and other places short drive.
    Beijing as the center radiating to the four appear before State Road 12, respectively, Shenyang, Tianjin, Harbin, Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Nanjing, Fuzhou, Kunming and other places. Nine highways in Beijing: Badaling Expressway, the highway of the Capital Airport, Beijing-Shenyang highway, Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu highway, Beijing-Shijiazhuang Expressway, Beijing-Zhang highway, Beijing-Chengde Road, Jinghagaosu Road, Beijing opened highway. A total of 12 bus station in Beijing.
    Other: Beijing is now open to high-speed direct passenger in Benxi, Liaoyang. The two lines are moving to Beijing-Shenyang highway, vehicles with luxury air-conditioned Volvo is equipped with closed-circuit television, water dispenser, adjustable seat, and along the way provide free meals. Benxi route length of 820 km, the fare of 195 yuan, daily service, 10:30 am from the the Bawangfen long-distance bus terminal departure (there are a lot of cars to move Sihui station), Benxi Bus Station 20:00 postback . The Liaoyang line length of 700 km, the fare of 170 yuan, the daily service, 11:00 am from Bawangfen long-distance bus terminal departure, Liaoyang bus terminal postback 22:00.
Traffic in Beijing
Bus and subway
Visitors to the Temple of Heaven park, the most convenient by the Temple of Heaven East Gate or Temple of Heaven, Simon admission.
    Passengers destined for the Temple of Heaven East Gate Subway Line 5 Tiantan East Gate Station. The bus the multiplicative 6,25,34,35,36,39,41,43,60,116,525,610,614,684,685,687,707,723 Road Hokkeji Station.
    Passengers destined for the Temple of Heaven, Simon can take 2,20,35,69,71,504,626,707,729 special 11 Road, Temple of Heaven, Simon Station, but also take 17,36,120 bus rapid transit line of the Temple of Heaven stand off.
    Go the Temple of Heaven South Gate the passengers multiplicative 36,53,120,122,525,610,614,958, special, special, special 12 channels and 102 Express Temple of Heaven, South Gate Station.
    Go the Tiantan north gate of the passengers can take 6,34,35,36,106,110,687,707 Road, Temple of Heaven, North Gate Station.
    Beijing's public transport system is more perfect, more lines, the fare is relatively inexpensive, but the condition differences. On the rush hour buses will be particularly crowded, visitors should avoid traveling at this time. Overseas visitors often listen to the bus in Beijing do not know the conductor accent led to sat stations need to pay special attention to best under the station name to tell the conductor or beside other passengers, remind them in the station.
Tourist train
    Time every day sent to the various attractions of the suburbs of Beijing tourist train from several railway stations in Beijing. Holiday picnic train tickets to the Beijing Railway Station, Beijing North Railway Station, Beijing South Railway Station, Beijing Railway International Travel Service places to buy. Beijing Railway Station, Beijing South Railway Station, Beijing North Railway Station and stops are equipped with the green channel, directly into the Station tickets, advance tickets at the station.
Tourist Distribution Center
    Beijing travel distribution center was launched on September 20, 2005, to replace the previous travel lanes, and hope to put an end to black car Zaike phenomenon fundamentally. The distribution center has three departure points, three lines, and gradually opened more lines.
    Tiananmen Square, center of the grid: Square, southwest corner; Tiananmen sub-centers: Plaza, southeast corner; the the Deshengmen sub-centers: Deshengmen.
    Running time: morning 6:00-10:00 (with the seasons and the number of visitors has been adjusted).
    Lines: Great Wall at Badaling - Dingling 140 yuan, the Great Wall Pass - the Dingling 125 yuan, 80 yuan directly to Badaling (included in the fare tickets round-trip tickets, meals).
    A taxi stand there before the Beijing Railway Station, the place to go away from the Beijing Railway Station close (only prices starting at $ 10) drivers not willing to pull out of the square in front of Beijing Railway Station, and forward over a street, walked in the grain Square, you can experience a lot of taxis. Beijing West Railway Station taxi stand is located in the underground hall, the queue waiting for customers, are not allowed to refuse hire or (Attachment: taxi price list).
    Passenger tricycle in Beijing gathered in the center of the hub and tourist destination, and other places during the holidays due to the serious condition of a taxi traffic jam, so people go to select a tricycle wearing a small alley. Coupled with excellent the tricycle see the street is very convenient, so the cost of the tricycle is slightly higher than the taxi.
    Many large hotels in Beijing have a rental bicycle business, usually daily rent about $ 20-30. If they wanted a more transparent understanding of Beijing may wish to pay a deposit to rent a semi-new bike, then you can enjoy walking through the size of the alley in the city center. And then take the opportunity to listen to a few occasionally floated into the thick dialect ears, this is really a great pleasure to swim in Beijing.
    In addition, Beijing also opened three water tour route.