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It is located in the valley to the northwest of Yanqing County. Route: Go along the Badaling Expressway to Yanqing County, and then change the bus to arrive at it. It is now the largest cliff residence site found in North China. The ancient cliff houses were digged by some unknown ancestors on steep cliffs. There are altogether 147 stone rooms, divided into front, middle and rear parts, hanging on the cliffs of about 100,000 square meters. The stones rooms have various shapes and positions. In the shape of square or rectangle, some big rooms are about 20 square meters, while some small ones are about three to four square meters. Some have single rooms, while some have two or three rooms; the flats have parallel rooms or rooms in two layers. All stone rooms are distributed in different layers, with stone steps, stone stairs and plank roads connecting each other. There are complete sets of life facilities including doors, windows, Kang (heatable adobe bed), kitchen ranges, mangers, closets, flues, and storage rooms. The windows are usually two to three square chi (one third of a meter). The doors are in different sizes.
Ticket: 40 yuan