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81F ~ 90F
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It is located in the Qi'ao Town Qi'ao Island. Su Zhaozheng (1885, Qi'ao Island - 1929, Shanghai), early phase leader of the Communist Party of China, labour movement activist. A native of the Qi'ao Island of Xiangshan County, Guangdong Province, he became a sailor, active in Sun Yatsen's nationalist organization Tongmenghui, and took part in organizing the Sailors' Union in 1920. As its chairman he led the General Strike of Hong Kong's Seamen in 1922 and the great Hong Kong General Strike in 1925. He later assumed the office of Chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, became a member of the Communist Party in 1925 and almost immediately also in its Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC's Sixth National Congress. He participated in formulating the plan of Guangzhou Uprising in 1927 and was elected President of Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Government of Guangzhou. Simultaneously, he acted as Minister of Labour in the Leftwing KMT Government of Wuhan. He died from overwork in Shanghai in 1929.

Su Zhaozheng House on December 17, 1979 was listed as cultural relics of Guangdong Province, in 1985, Su Zhaozheng 100th anniversary open to visitors.