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64F ~ 81F
Overcast To Cloudy
N at 30km/h To 20km/h
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Big Town is located in the territory of Wuhu Jiujiang Qu, thousands of years, Yamagata Tianmenshan water potential and its unique history, rich history and cultural heritage attracts celebrities, and the poet to travel Ode, the famous Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai traveled here many times , leaving the "look Tianmenshan" This is the first popular quatrains: "God opened the door interrupted Chujiang, clear water far back east, relatively out of both sides of Castle Peak, one at the side of a boat to."

Tianmenshan History

There are two rare Tianmenshan under the cultural landscape. One day the door a long history of the College, was founded in the year 1246, with the Jixi Guizhi College, Lake books YingzhouHospitals, Shexian Ziyang Academy famous. Second, the distinctive copper temple, Yishanbangshui, great scenery, over the years to attract followers around the country come to burn incense to Buddha every Buddhist, cigarettes, strong, the pilgrims received. Therefore, Wuhu City, was named one of the ten "heavenly gate smoke wave" Tianmenshan This is East and West together, Yangsan.

Second day in the mountains east of the Yangsan door the most steep, towering river, such as sliced ax, towering pillar natural stream, so that blew off the Yangtze River to north to form a back clear water flows east to this strange scene.

Tianmenshan landscape

Liang Shan Bo Wang, also known as East Mountain, SeaStubbs height of 82.12 meters, 5 kilometers north of the city in the Wuhu Yangtze River east coast of Great Town; West, also known as Yangsan Yangsan, 88.1 meters high, in the county east of Chaohu City and 30 kilometers of the Yangtze River West Bank. Jiajiang standing between two mountains, like the Heaven Gate; afar like a young woman';s two insignificant, also known as Crescent Hill. Tang Kaiyuan 13 years (725), that is, speech pro-Shu Li Bai excursion out of the following year, the 26-year-old boat down the river Li Bai wrote a song when the famous Seven-"look Tianmenshan": "Heavenly Gate interrupt Chujiang open, clear water flows east to this back. relative to the sides of Castle Peak, one at the side of a boat to. "Tianmenshan vividly depicts the grace, very wordSpring days of the magnificent wonders of the door sunrise