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66F ~ 82F
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Yunwu Mountain is located in the churchyard of Paotong Shop in the northwestern of Huangbei District, is  a natural scenic spot which is main to the mountain region. The elevation of the main peak is 709m, is belong to the tallest peak in Wuhan City.

Yunwu Mountain is the zone of transition between Dabie Mountain Range and Jianghan Plain. In the mountian, the four seasons clearly and sun drenched. The perennial average temperature is 18 C Centigrade, it is abundant rainfall and the climate is quite agreeable. The kinds of the plants is abundant, there are more than 150 kinds of trees and more than 600 kinds of lovages.

In the Yunwu Mountain, you will feel the simple, elegant, peculiar native amorous feelings, browse unsually brilliant places of interest, feel the long historical religious culture, hear the magical and graceful stories and visit the ancient motte and bailey.

Ticket: CNY30