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Wuhan Weather

66F ~ 82F
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Jeme Tien Yo war ein chinesischer Ingenieur und Pionier des Eisenbahnbaus. Er ist der Erbauer der ersten ohne ausl?ndische Hilfe entstanden chinesischen Eisenbahnstrecke von Peking nach Zhangjiakou, die heute Teil der Jing-Bao-Eisenbahnstrecke von Peking nach Baotou in der Inneren Mongolei ist.

Zhan Tianyou is renowned as "The Father of Chinese Railways" .Zhan's former residence was very typical of style between late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. Inside the house are such old furniture as the old Chinese square table, stools and sleeping chair. On one of the walls hangs a couplet reading "Living simply with celestial beings as his companions; Possessing unyielding character that is rare in the real world", a commentary phrase from one of his friends.