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It is located in the bank of Binjiang Park Hankou, Wuhan. It is built in 1969 for commemorating flood prevention in 1954.

Flood Control Monument faces the river and its stylobate is 4.9m high. On the main face and two sides are set lenient footstep and setting guardrails all around. The body of the stele is 37m high and it peaks a red star with the diameter is 1.8m. The main face of the stele body is inlayed oyster white marble, and on it, there is a inscription by Mao Zedong. The red ceramic tile on the top of the inscription, there is inlayed  Mao's head portrait. The main face of the substrate is inlayed Mao's poety - Prelude To Water Melody Swimming. On the left and right sides are large scale reliefs that showing a sight, people fight a flood and rush to deal with emergency. That are whole compositon, vivid modelling and magnificent momentum.