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Wuhan Weather

70F ~ 82F
Cloudy To Overcast
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Located at western of Zhifang County, Wuhan, the White Cloud Cave is a natural limestone cave. The length of the White Cloud Cave is about 300 meters and is composed of the front cave, middle cave, patio, and back cave.

The three Chinese characters, "White Cloud Cave" on the top of the entrance of the front gate was written by an official, Xiong Yanbi of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). There is a legend about the name. It was said that the yellow cranes once flew away from the Yellow Crane Tower and took a break at the cave, which leaves the legend "White Cloud and Yellow Crane", and hence the name "White Cloud Cave."

It is warm in winter and cool in summer. The springs flow slowly. Stone carvings and stalactites are spread all over the limestone cave.

Address:Western Zhifang County, Jiangxia District,Wuhan
