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Tianzhushan Weather

77F ~ 91F
Sunny To Cloudy
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Savage Village, also known as Taniguchi. Savage Village is a town, yard, old as the post road crossing. Chui Ling rolling, valley, surrounded by haze Bristol dock, winding streets, is the scenic foothills of Tianzhu and cultural resources.

Main landscape:
Emperor worship had archaeological site and the Jing Yue driving bridge, there is rippling blue waves, canoe races diving River (river raft can be floated in this potentialFlow, is now a popular tourist tourism projects).
Three other ancestral temple, Shek Ngau Kwu Tung, feel lonely and ancient tower, nine wells River, where the three hundred blew cigarette misty, mountain light Tan Ying, bridges and people.
Three ancestral temple, located in north Fort Taniguchi Savage Fung-shaped mountain, here is the south gate of Tianzhu Mountain Gate. Zen Buddhism in China in 509 AD, the third generation of founder Sengcanzhuxi Valley Temple, and in this four Zudao Xin Yi Chuan.
745 AD, the statue of the tower for the Sengcan relics, 772 AD, Tang Su-tsung Li Heng Chee towers were "feeling lonely."
Ancestral temple in three streams in the west of the valley resembles a cow';s body rock, head, back, abdomen, legs, clear lines, kneeling lying riverside, such as drinking water but after a full, head north, listening to the sound of temple bells and drums. Cattle predecessors in this big book "wonders of the world."
Shek Nga north side of the cliff there is a prominent, such as Taiwan, according to legend is famous Huang Ting Song Kennedy reading place.
In contrast to this station also highlighted such as the south side of the cliff of the original canopy of the rock, Liangya phase, during which vegetation fills the gap, constitute not Portal';s Portal, because we have "Shek Ngau Kwu Tung," said. Here is not only beautiful, but also because Cliff';s dense, old, famous and renowned for more than handwriting.


Starting from the hill town, to the northwest along State Road 105, about 11 km to the car dealersce = Verdana> Savage Zhaizhen; also can take the hill tea Tianzhu bound passenger train travel, more trips per day.