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Located 64 kilometers southwest of Taiyuan, the Qi County, formerly known as "the central hall," was the film "Raise the Red Lantern" was filmed, the most prominent feature is the beautiful and generous housing structure, building simple elegant.

Compound was built in the Qing Dynasty, covering 8724.8 square meters, construction area of 3870 square meters, is divided into six compound. Up to 10 meters around the wall,1 m thick, from a height overlooking the compound as a whole for the double "hi" type layout. Was originally the private residence of a local businessman.

Is on the top floor of the compound, hanging a "welfare species Lang bind" plaque, which was then governor of Shanxi a gift by the Empress Dowager Cixi. Like a progenitor of the plaque, there are two Jia, Li personally wrote the piece is "Ren Zhou Yibo", the other is the pro-book Fu Shan';s "Dan Court."
Brick screen wall opposite the door, and 100 different styles of "Shou" formed a "life change Baishou a" map, font unadorned Qiu Jin, a rare work of art.


From Taiyuan to Pingyao, Yuncheng and other places after the train were Qixian; also available from the Jinzhong bus station at around 8 am sent to Pingyao, Lingchuan and other places of the car, to the concept of Qixian EastJia warburg off the town.


40 yuan