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    To stay more than Mountain Home of the original located in the south peak of the northern foot of the famous Qing Dynasty landscape.

    According to historical records, from six through Temple along the trail and on the trees in the grass, odd rocks everywhere, indescribable. A spring bets from the stone walls, high Shu Zhang, spray flying beads of jade, in straight sets Yashi, water hit rock phase, if the sound sounds.

    Mountain Home that is, at the fountain, Springs left to climb to the top floor, "Baiyun nest", F, West Taiwan, available balcony view, "current view of Taiwan," the audience hall three.

    Qing Qianlong 20 years (1757), Emperor Qianlong this tour, thanks to the question "to stay the rest of Mountain Home," the word for the amount, this has spread. Mountain Home next to another Jiang Pavilion, Tingquan Pavilion (one of the 18 King Qianlong imperial title West Lake).

    2004, the layout of Mountain Home near the in-situ according to historical records remain I rehabilitation of the landscape, the continued stay of more than Mountain Home the old name. At the same time communicate with the water system, stack rockery, re-acquired the the couplets plaque, creating the old landscape.