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     Hu Xueyan (1823-1885), was a local celebrity, one of the richest and most famous businessmen in Qing Dynasty. He started his business under the Governor Wang Youling's support, in the fields as food, real estate, hock, weapon, silk, medicine; after his success, he donated much money and helped a lot to the Qing government. Because of this relationship, Hu was renowned in the country and was called Hongding merchant. His legendary life was mostly related with the destiny of late Qing dynasty.

     The Residence of Hu Xueyan was built on the Yuan Bao Street around 1872. This colossal private house stretches an area of 7,000 square meters and cost the owner ten thousand grams of silver. Hu Xueyan built the house at the very prosperous site in Hangzhou - Hefang Street. The house was built in Chinese style, with many pavilions, booths, bridges, rockeries, but bigger and more luxurious: ingenious brick engraves, wood engraves, stone graves scattered many where; many high class trees like purple sandalwood, gingko decorated the courtyard.

     The residence is considered as an inherent part of the Historic Area of the Hefang Street. The repair has restored the original grandeur and elegance. The copious halls, the towering gates, the landscaped courtyards, the well-furnished chambers, the exquisite furniture and so forth, all make visitors marvel at the extravagance of a powerful and rich family in late Qing Dynasty.