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75F ~ 84F
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Lijiang River in Guilin, the coast north of the city, is a Bangshui the Koho by water, the "Fubo scenic" reputation. When the Han Dynasty general Ma Yuannan Fubo have been imposed here, it got its name. Tang mountain temple was built Fubo General. Existing Kuei Shuiting, Kikunami Court, Ban Shanting, also bead hole, Mi Fu self-portrait, Qianfo Yan and other attractions.

Fubo Koho graceful, half of the lake into the river, the other half pillow in the land. Annual spring and summer, the river flood, foot curb wave vitality and urgency thatReverse swing the river, there is the power of subduing waves. Fubo scenic, strange caves. Riverside corridor east of the mountain is, Fubo tea and built by Cliff Kikunami Court, west climbing stone steps up to Ban Shanting and the Peak, the climb looked, you can see the picturesque Guilin Shuiguang handsome mountains .

Eastern foot of the famous but also beads hole in exquisitely carved, stone wall than 100, including the Song Dynasty calligrapher Mi Fu';s title, poet Fan Chengda self-portrait and a poem called treasures. ValueMay be mentioned that Mi is the first painting landscapes of Guilin, and he in 1074 to Guilin, painting "Yangshuo Mountain map." East of the hole suddenly see the light, the Pro in the river pool. In the near water, there is a stone down, the rough detailed, more than an inch gap at the bottom, not connecting with the ground, is said to be Fubo sword cut off the use of military, it said test stone sword.

Into Fubo door, you can see a 5000 kilos of iron bells, and a meter can be boiled bear
Also the legend of Chu-dong

Legend has it that a fisherman into this hole, to see in a shape like a dog, before the animals were sleeping, there are stars Sarah fluorescence radiance, beads and go get him. OfficialGovernment know that, ordered him to return Sarah, fishermen also had to back hole beads. Then, later he called this hole is also bead hole.

Tour Tips:

Tourists on the twists and turns along the stone steps, the rest flat, direct access to Fubo Mid Tower Pavilion roof, but also explore wonders of the water hole, but also on the lake by pontoon Fubo arrived on the island unknown Lijiang river. Traffic

1Accessibility 2,13,15 bus to arrive.

2, can also take the free bus or the 58 buses to 4A to Fubo Park.


Tickets: 15 yuan.

Opening hours: 6:00-18:30 season, low season 6:30-18:00. Tour fully Park about 2 hours.