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Bit south of the county Yufeng Yang, leek Mountain National Forest Park and the eastern provincial Fengyang Mountain, 35 kilometers from the county, with a total area of about 9 square kilometers. Cave Scenic Area, including Buddhist Temple, Buddhist cave dwellings and three scenic valley of Wolf Lane fans, there are Miao, Tallinn, Buddhist cave temple, jade crab spring, storage Lan Pavilion, Zen cave dwellings, Pan Taoyuan, Tianshi, Thin Man Valley, halo the size of the first turn, Lane, etc. more than 40 attractions. Buddhism is based on the scenic and cultural background, green as the focus, featuring limestone dissolved natural scenic landscape.

Wolf Lane fans Valley Scenic Area was established in 1993, it is the Buddhist Cave Temple, by the gradual development of the expansion andWolf Lane fans as the development of scenic valley formed.

Buddhist Cave Temple: is a Buddhist temple, built in the Han Dynasty legend years, formerly known as Peach Blossom Temple, after the name of Tiger Cave Temple, to the Northern Song Dynasty, "Tang and Song," one of the famous calligrapher, writer Su Shi to this play, which means "cave home near Zen" meaning, name the Buddhist Cave Temple, and the brush and wrote the temple name, the extension now. History of Buddhism has a long history of its origins, the once strong incense, one for domestic temple, the temple was destroyed after the war of Sino-Japanese War. In 1993, Fengyang County Farm Yinshan positive developments to adapt to tourism, investment restored Buddhist Cave Temple, the development of clean-upZen holes in, and in this protected vegetation, the area of vegetation coverage rate of 98%.

Chanku hole: It is a natural cave, as the ancient Buddhist cave temple';s monks chanting often named in this meditation. To maintain the temperature inside the cave at 17 degrees year round. Humidity inside the cave in summer, autumn, winter and spring quarters relatively dry. Zen holes in total length 3000 meters, is now developing more than 500 meters.

Wolf Lane fans Valley: The most amazing, visit the highest value of the core area. Wolf Lane fan valley was discovered in November 2001, was developed in March 2002, formally opened in May 2003. Here is a wild pastThe haunt of wolves, the local mountain people known here as the Wolf Lane. See you there investigation gully development aspect, the complex is a natural maze. Identified by experts after the formal Valley named Wolf Lane fans.

Limestone Valley fans formed at 5.4 billion years ago the Cambrian Paleozoic. Here is a typical limestone landscape solution to, you can see the growth of many plants to take root in the rock.

Valley fans peculiar terrain, ravines aspect, Ming Gu dark stream, Gully linked Valley Valley similarities, deep valleys, such as first-line look up the sky, look at the concept of shallow valley of the mountain of endlessly rising. The mix of rock, and Vivid.

Breathtaking or dignitaries, scholars poet';s journeys - Cliff. According to preliminary research, the existing stone seventeen, which carved around the Tang and Song carved seven, the Qing carved around, not a Department of the times, writing an erosion. These stone carvings are mostly of the Travel Chronicle for. The calligraphy styles, genres, true, grass, Li, Fragrance, Weibei peer everything. A stone in the first three years of the Tang yuan and Ji tour title. Buddhist Cave Temple Cliff in May 1998 was announced as the People';s Government of Anhui provincial key protection units.