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View Jia Taiwan, Bozhou has two, the East of the Western concept of Jia Jia Taiwan and Taiwan. East View Jia Tai Road, Taiwan, Middle East in the urban road, Jia units in the urban areas of the Western middle of the road northbound xianyuan. Cao Jia-year outlook table is implemented in the home was built when the remains of Zhuntian Zhi. In view of the stage he had personally Governor Jia Geng View species. Jia concept is what sets are key cultural relics protection units Bozhou.

Cao Cao';s unification war in the north, in order to solve the food problem, the adoption of the men suggested that in the first year of Jian (196) are near Ying Xu late emperor, declared Mita, as the "Cultivation and military resources to build" approach falls real office, decided to build outside the city in BozhouView Jia sets two things, and personally to view Hejia growing stage to play the role of Mita Dushuai army.

View Jia units, located in the Pingkuang being, for the vast farmland and terraced rice paddies by interwoven sets watching the river flow, panoramic view. Song on the previous two temples were built, Chenghua first year (1465), Dong Guan Jia sets the site of the original temple was built large swallow Temple. Chenghua 7 years (1472), turn the platform of the Western Pu Jia Chong Hing Temple into a temple. Unfortunately the temple earlier this waste, Dong Guan Jia Fu Taiwan independence has towering, of the Western Jia Taiwan has been destroyed, the remaining one mound.