Home Inn (Wuhan Nanjing Road)

улица нанкин, д. пекин - Хань, 180, Jiang'an District, Wuhan, China.посмотреть карту >
CNY 137
4.2/5    451 отзывы

clevin said: Convenient location, also equipped with washing machine and dryer.

a48665549 said: It's OK. It's relatively clean, but the bath water is too small, but it's right to afford this price!

cc300 said: It's very clean, the bathroom design is reasonable, and the prompt slogans are also very standard. Good accommodation experience.

luojingren said: I'm very satisfied. The room is bigger this time. It's close to the night market, pedestrian street and Jiqing street. Shopping, food and entertainment can be solved

jjbb924 said: It's still very clean, and I really like the taste of shampoo ~ ~ it's because the window is facing the community. It's noisy in the morning

dagui408729 said: Home is still more reliable

DragonCAO said: The location of the hotel is good. It's close to Jianghan Road Pedestrian Street. It's only a few minutes' walk. It's also close to Hankou beach. You can get to Wuchang by subway. The transportation is very convenient. Every service was pretty good.

carmenren said: not bad

dongnan317 said: Not bad

yimi0116 said: clean

lycwowner said: Generally speaking, the air conditioner in the room is broken, but it's better because it's clean

Apple_Ma said: The environment is pretty good and the location is good, so the price is more expensive than other places

luoxtian1101 said: stick

ly361782548 said: The traffic is very convenient. W although it's near the street, it won't be very noisy if you don't open the window. The room is big enough for two people and two suitcases. It's just that the bed is too close to the table. It's a little difficult to squeeze if you open the stool and use the computer. W very good service attitude! Very patient XD

contract said: It's OK. It's close to Jianghan Road and the subway station. It's very convenient, but it's a little expensive. It's worth recommending.

Lynn_wyl said: not bad

brave_y said: It's just a little hard to find. It's a little small. Very small

DAXIAOFEI said: WiFi is awesome, but the noise is not good enough for Guiyuan Buddhist Temple.

floralady said: It's close to the airport bus station, subway and commercial street. It's very good.

DavidMING said: nothing

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Пожалуйста, сначала установите дату.
Room typeMax.BedNetworkBreakfastAvg.rate

Special Queen Room

  • 15 sqm
  • King bed
  • 2-3 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.5m*2m

Queen Room

  • 20 sqm
  • King bed
  • 2-3 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Business Queen Room

  • 17-20 sqm
  • King bed
  • 2-3 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Standard Twin Room

  • 17-20 sqm
  • Twin beds
  • 2-3 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m

Digital Business Room

  • 17-20 sqm
  • King bed
  • 2-3 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Описание отеля

Почтовый индекс:430083   Здание построено в:2012   Количество номеров:103   Коммерческий район:Yanjiang Avenue /Jianghan Road
Home Inn (Wuhan Nanjing Road), гостиница расположена в центре пешеходной улицы у уханьского проспекта, от десятой международной ярмарки садов (Ухань) всего 8,7 км и 30 минут, от отеля до метро 2 линия движения в направлении Цзинь - серебряного Таня до Лонг - Харбора (выход F), затем выбрать такси около 15 юаней, также можно проехать на трассе 2 до остановки озера фань на 342 / 603отель находится недалеко от знаменитой улица цзянхань пешком и улица цзицин!расстояние до станции пересадки номер 1 / 2 составляет всего 500 метров, на метро и на легкой дороге можно доехать до международного Выставочного центра, универмага Сого, госпиталя тунцзи, на линии метро 2 на 4 - й линии можно доехать до вокзала Ухань, вокзала Учан, гостиница за 5 минут ходьбы есть новый универмаг и большой увлажняющий супермаркет, на 10 - минутной дороге от ханько цзяньбы до бара вдоль реки.поездка на рынок оптовой торговли на китайскую нормальную улицу только 10 минут!отель находится рядом с выходом из туннеля реки Янцзы Хань, проезжая мимо всего 100 метров, можно пройти через туннель через реку суй, прямо к торговому кругу центра Учан.

Удобства и услуги

Цена завтрака: CNY15($2.1) / шт
заезда: с 14:00      отъезда: до 12:00
Удобства и услуги
Платная парковка Сейф для предметов на стойке регистрации лифт
услуги прачечной Бизнес центр Хранилище багажа Утренний звонок
Удобства в номере
Междугородние звонки внутри страны Международный междугородний звонок 24 часа горячая вода Бесплатные туалетные принадлежности фен резкий поворот стол письменный Разнообразные розетки электрический чайник Бесплатная вода в бутылках Отдельный душ Обычный сплит-кондиционер
Спорт и отдых
  • Наличный

часто задаваемые вопросы об Home Inn (Wuhan Nanjing Road)

Гол:4.2/ из 5.0
I just went in and saw cockroaches. I don't want to say anything more. That's enough!!!? It's wonderful to see such a thing for the first time in the hotel
[Stay in Queen Room]
[Stay in Standard Twin Room]
Convenient location, also equipped with washing machine and dryer.
[Stay in Queen Room]
The location of the hotel was ok, but the service and facilities were poor.
[Stay in Queen Room]
In that way, you can live, generally, as long as the living requirements are OK
[Stay in Queen Room]
It's OK. It's relatively clean, but the bath water is too small, but it's right to afford this price!
[Stay in Queen Room]
not bad
[Stay in Queen Room]
There is a better one nearby
[Stay in Queen Room]
OK, very good location.
[Stay in Queen Room (special promotion)]
It's just a little hard to find. It's a little small. Very small
[Stay in Queen Room (special promotion)]


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