Shengshi Holiday Hotel Shenzhen

Южно - Австралийская улица, Южно - Австралийская община, Приморская южная дорога, 25, около Южно - австралийского рыбного рынка, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China.посмотреть карту >
CNY 650
4.0/5    41 отзывы

given said: Not bad, good environment, considerate service, book two rooms at once.

e00027703 said: The hotel facilities are very good, the service staff are very friendly, the customer is very satisfied. Bottom line: customer satisfaction is the best.

puyun1000 said: It's new, but it doesn't have a beach

ielvins said: The hotel is good. It's just that the price is much more expensive over the weekend,

Brother-in-law said: I feel the hotel is good. Did you stay another night? The seafood stall nearby suggests that you don't go.

ajent said: I decided to go on Saturday! I ordered it online!! The hotel is close to the sea. The location of the hotel is very convenient. The hotel is very clean. It's also very convenient to live in Nanao. It's very close to the sea. The location of the hotel is very good.

James2008 said: The room is big and the transportation is convenient. I'll come again next time.

e00180041 said: Clean, large room, just the beach and eat good seafood. You have to go outside for a distance, one stop.

e03073587 said: Yes, but there is no king room in the sea view room.

cary_lyy said: The environment is good. It's a relatively high-end hotel nearby

minnamiao said: The location of the hotel is very good. The room faces the sea, but the smell of the sea is very fishy. The price is too expensive.

liucf2005 said: The hotel has a balcony facing the sea. The landscape is very nice and quiet. It's a good choice!

gaojin0426 said: Very good. The room is big and clean

diaodf520 said: OK_

crystal0565 said: it 's not bad

e00142116 said: It's a very good hotel. It's very good overall. It's just that it's newly renovated and tastes great. It would be better if it could be ventilated in time before check-in

luxiaomin1213 said: The location is good. The hotel is newly opened. Many are not perfect. The sound insulation of the room is too poor. Close the door next door and the windows of your own room are about to fall off! The hot water came very slowly, the front desk service was ok, and the room service was not very good!

Anaemeily said: The overall location of the hotel is good, and the room decoration is very good. The only problem is that the taste is too strong, which may be the reason for the decoration.

lypdwj said: It's a new hotel. Even the restaurant is still being renovated. The facilities are good and the location is very good. The front desk service is very polite. In front of the hotel is the seafood wholesale market. It's very busy at 5 a.m. and it's a little noisy. But several friends who went together said they didn't hear any sound. The comprehensive hotel is still good!

ddc_d said: The sound insulation is too poor, OK

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Пожалуйста, сначала установите дату.
Room typeMax.BedNetworkBreakfastAvg.rate

Deluxe Mountain-view Twin Room

  • 35 sqm
  • Twin beds
  • 2-3 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 2 single beds: 1.4m*2m

Deluxe Mountain-view Queen Room

  • 35 sqm
  • King bed
  • 2-3 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Deluxe Ocean-view Twin Room

  • 35 sqm
  • Twin beds
  • 2-4 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 2 single beds: 1.4m*2m

Deluxe Mountain-view Suite

  • 50 sqm
  • King bed
  • 3-4 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Deluxe Sea-view Suite

  • 50 sqm
  • King bed
  • 3-4 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Описание отеля

Почтовый индекс:440307   Здание построено в:2014   Количество номеров:101  
Shengshi Holiday Hotel Shenzhen, Он расположен на терминале Южно - австралийского Залива на полуострове Шэньчжэнь – наньчжэнь – наньчжэнь – наньчжоу, отель построен по морю, лицом к морю, вдали от Сянгана, на острове Пинъяо. рядом пляж, а там остановка автобуса. рядом с отелем есть знаменитые достопримечательности: яма Ян Мэй, Дунцзинь, Западный зыбь, относительно хвоста, геологический парк, гора семи матерей и так далее. каждые 15 минут по 15 минут автобусы курсируют между отелем и вышеупомянутыми достопримечательностями, около 15 - 20 минут езды, E11, 833 и другие автобусы заходят в город Шэньчжэнь. номер чистый, уютный, просторный, вентиляционный и первоклассный, с 42 - дюймовым жидкокристаллическим телевизором, офисным столом и другими предметами домашнего обихода. здесь имеются залы заседаний на 300 человек, залы заседаний на 50 - 100 человек и две больших парковочных площадки, где можно проводить досуг на море, например, на пляже, на барбекю, рыбалку, море, на велосипеде и т.д. в ресторане за океаном ты можешь попробовать Южно - австралийскую рыбу, которая была выловлена из моря в тот же день, можно купить продукты глубоководной натуральной морепродуктов, а также переработать на собственной шкуре.

Удобства и услуги

Цена завтрака: Спросите стойку регистрации для деталей.
заезда: с 14:00      отъезда: до 12:00
Удобства и услуги
Бесплатная парковка Сейф для предметов на стойке регистрации лифт зона для курения Этаж для некурящих Зона отдыха для неработающих гостей Видеонаблюдение в общественных местах Общественная звуковая система Мультимедийная презентационная система Wi-Fi в общественных местах (бесплатно)
Услуга по доставке автомобилей конференц-зал Почтовая служба Хранилище багажа Утренний звонок Круглосуточная стойка регистрации Факс / копия бизнес-услуги Расчетная услуга по кредитной карте Менеджер лобби по совместительству Круглосуточная стойка регистрации Одноразовая касса
Удобства в номере
Спорт и отдых
Шахматная Комната
  • Наличный

часто задаваемые вопросы об Shengshi Holiday Hotel Shenzhen

Гол:4.0/ из 5.0
The surrounding environment is average, the temperature in the walkway is very high, it's noisy near the road, and the new decoration has some flavor. The front desk service was OK and it was convenient to travel.
[Stay in Deluxe Mountain-view Queen Room]
Not bad, good environment, considerate service, book two rooms at once.
[Stay in Deluxe Mountain-view Twin Room]
[Stay in Deluxe Ocean-view Twin Room]
The overall location of the hotel is good, and the room decoration is very good. The only problem is that the taste is too strong, which may be the reason for the decoration.
[Stay in Deluxe Ocean-view Twin Room]
The hotel service is average! The air conditioner in the guest room is not cooled! Unstable TV signal in guest room
[Stay in Deluxe Ocean-view Twin Room]
it 's not bad
[Stay in Deluxe Ocean-view Twin Room]
It's a new hotel. Even the restaurant is still being renovated. The facilities are good and the location is very good. The front desk service is very polite. In front of the hotel is the seafood wholesale market. It's very busy at 5 a.m. and it's a little noisy. But several friends who went together said they didn't hear any sound. The comprehensive hotel is still good!
[Stay in Deluxe Mountain-view Twin Room]
The hotel facilities are very good, the service staff are very friendly, the customer is very satisfied. Bottom line: customer satisfaction is the best.
[Stay in Deluxe Ocean-view Twin Room]
I don't think I'll stay in this hotel next time. Everything else is unimportant. It's sister service.
[Stay in Deluxe Mountain-view Queen Room]
It's new, but it doesn't have a beach
[Stay in Deluxe Mountain-view Twin Room]
1 2 3 4 5


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